Sunday, January 24, 2010


Inspiration comes from many sources. I started running nearly 10 years ago after seeing Dick and Rick Hoyt (Team Hoyt) on TV during the Ironman Triathlon Championship. If a father could endure through 170 miles of physical activity towing, riding and pushing his handicapped son, I could surely run my first marathon (done in Tampa in Dec 2000). My daughter, Erika (11), was my inspiration to begin taking piano lessons at age 40 (I am still at it today, slowly getting better). I love a good story to help balance out all the bad we hear about in the world today.

So what is inspiring me to do the TransRockies Run? I’ve known for a year I wanted to do this run, but my excitement level was raised to a new high just after the first of the year. I was reconnected, through Facebook of all things, with a woman I attended grade school (4th – 6th grade at Kruse Elementary School) with nearly 30 years ago. Not just any woman, but one who runs. Who runs far. Really far. An Ultra runner who has participated in some of the most prestigious Ultra run in the world, such as Badwater, Western States, and Spartathlon. Her runs range from short distances (50k – or about 30 miles) to long distances (240k – nearly 150 miles). Crazy? Probably certifiable! But she is good, really good! In fact, she won Badwater in 2007 (135 miles through Death Valley). She is Lisa Stranc Bliss – and you can read about her journey and runs via her blog. Trust me, she has a great story to tell, and it is a bonus that she is also a great writer.

Anyway, Lisa and I have traded some messages regarding my interest in Ultras, and while she doesn’t yet know it (yet), she is already an inspiration to me. Having a “personal” connection to someone who has blazed a path before me can only help me. Lisa can be a resource to answer my many questions. She can offer tips (and already has). And she is someone I can follow to keep my excitement level high (just like I still follow the Hoyt’s). No, I am not going to run Badwater (never say never?), nor am I going to win anything in the Ultra world. I merely want to test my running limits and push myself to do something others only dream about. I want to explore new territory. I want to have a goal that will keep my interest in running high.

And I want to continue to look for inspiration in many different places. Which is why I want to find a way to help others in need while I pursue my goal.

I am inspired by Lisa.  And I am inspired by Emmah….

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