However, I am a smart long-distance runner. (Note: smart does not equal good). I know that if I expect to finish the TransRockies run, I will need to become Lynn Pettus lite. Mix in some cross-training here and there. So, I decided to take a Zumba class at the local YMCA a few weeks ago. Aerobics on steriods is what this could best be described....with an instructor that had moves like a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader x 4. WOW! WOW! WOW! (you get the picture?)
I must say I was worried when I showed up for the 55 minute class and was the only male there, with three other women, 2 who also looked like cheerleaders. How could I keep up with them? I only have one main move...awkward... And the studio had mirrors on all sides - there was nowhere to hide. Oh, the thoughts running through my head. Should I leave? Should I play it cool? Should I fake an injury? Should I act like Jim Ignatowski from Taxi??? Crazy? Thankfully, just before class started, 3 more men and 8 more women walked in. Apparently they knew that showing up for class 5 minutes early is....awkward...
By this time I was well hidden in the second row on the end. Behind the 3 other guys. This wouldn't be so bad after all. Then the music started, and Meredith (the instructor), started talking and moving. She was all arms, legs, hips, butt, was going rythym! I was do a slow line dance out there - every one of my moves (move) was about 3 seconds behind everyone else's. Guess it wasn't difficult for them to tell who the rookie of the class was. Good thing I have a sense of humor (a self-depricating one at that), and was laughing at myself. Ok, in reality, I was laughing in-between catching my breath from the repeats we were doing. Up-down-left-right-jump-turn-twist-shimmy-shimmy-shake-shake. OMG! I was dying there after about 8 sets, and there were still more to come. (ok - maybe 3 sets....but 8 sounds impressive).
Meanwhile, I could see Meredith just cruising along. Telling us what to do, showing us how to do it, without a bead of sweat. She was glam, and I felt 80ish. Then I realized the secret....when she said jump high - i jumped high. However, the rest of the class jumped 1/2 as high. Bend down low? I went low. Others...not so low. Wait a minute here....I am not that flexible at the ripe old age of 42. Were they intentionally tanking it, to conserve energy???? I may never know, but I have my suspicions. Zumba slackers...
In the locker room after class, some of the other guys were talking about how Meredith really cranked it up this week. I asked how long they have been coming to class. About 6 weeks. They knew her moves, her intensity, her routine. I was definitely the rookie. But next class would be a new opportunity to put my new cross-training to work, and show I was a quick learner.
Only there were a few problems. First, I was SO SORE for three days after class. Different muscles than those used for running - I was still able to run - just not able to bend over. My poor hamstrings. Second, I was travelling each of the past two weeks, so I haven't been able to make it back to class. Guess this means I will be starting over again fresh after a 3 week layoff.
Meredith....I am ready for you! I think. You bring on the Hip-Hop...I'll bring the hustle. And the humor.