Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Number 1 or Number 2?

I am not a big fan of potty humor.  I can see how it has a place in the eyes of a pre-teen though.  They haven't yet learned about "more colorful" humor.  But I am going to share some with you today - and I promise it isn't bad.

I was reminded of this story after reading Jeff's blog a few weeks ago, where he discussed Ana's penchant for not doing the obvious when she should. (click the link - a must read!) In particular, in the Gudeman family latrine.  Let me take you back....the year was probably 1994 or 1995 (I know it was before I moved to Charlotte in 1996).  Jeff and Julie had purchased their home in Joliet, IL...and I thought it was an awesome layout...and had lots of potential.  So did Jeff.  If you know him, you know that there isn't a project that Jeff doesn't like to start.  And if you know Jeff, you know that those projects don't always have an estimated time-to-completion (ok, they really do...but "some date in the future" doesn't qualify)!

So Jeff started working on redesigning one of the bathrooms on the main floor of this awesome house.  Back then, Brenda and I would get to visit often with Jeff & Julie (as we didn't have kids yet - ok, we weren't married.  And Jeff and Julie didn't have kids yet.  Apparently they rectified that problem!) and note the progress being made on said bathroom.   Minimal.  It got to be a running joke with us.  I would comment often how someday I would come back to the house...here it comes...and spend some glorious time in the remodeled room admiring Jeff's handiwork.  You get the picture (and the picture above tells how).

Well, 1996 came and I moved to Charlotte in the fall that year.  I returned at Xmas time to gather Brenda and our belongings and move permanently.  No - couldn't do #1 or #2.  Work-in-progress.  We probably made it back to visit in 1997 and/or 1998.   Still could see studs....

Since then, we only make it back to Illinois about every three years, usually at the holidays and always manage time to meet up with our good friends.  I have admired Jeff's handiwork on the backyard deck (quite gorgeous), the garden/playground area, the fence around the yard, and the garage the reminds one of Noah's Ark (still being worked on).  Yet, I have this yearning, burning feeling, deep inside me....a sort of emptiness...that I haven't been able to "live the dream".   The dream that started in the mid '90's has stretched over 15 years now.

I am pretty sure the bathroom is done now, but in reality, I just don't know.  Last time we were able to visit the house was at Xmas of 2006 when Emmah was first ill.  I was right outside the bathroom door...it was so tempting.  But, alas, the door was closed.  I didn't dare knock.  I may have been waiting in line.  You see, I think someone else was enjoying the moment that I waited so long for, and was first in line.  You can guess what's coming, right?

I was relagated to #2....

That is my potty story for today.


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