Friday, September 17, 2010

Inspiring One Person At A Time

You never know who you might connect with when you try to do something to help others.  In this case, I happened to make a connection with my 11 year old daughter, Erika.  This week, she had a class project to write a one pager on what she dreams for.  Here is her paper:

I have a dream to create a cure for cancer because after this February, one of our close family friends, Emmah Gudeman, died of Neuroblastoma cancer.  My dad ran one hundred thirteen miles for her and has made a gainful profit for the Gudeman's and for the research of cancer.

It has inspired me to believe when you fight for someone or something, it can make a difference.  People who have cancer I want to help because you have to fight a long, hard battle that no one knows the answer to.  If you realize how many people have cancer, a cure will solve many problems everywhere. 

That is why I, Erika, want to help find a cure for cancer.

Not to shabby. Hopefully we are instilling the right values in our kids on the importance of helping others. In this case, do as I say and as I do. 

By the way, we didn't profit from this.  Oh, and it was 118 miles when it was all added up.  But who's counting?


1 comment:

  1. You have inspired so many, and Erika is a beautiful child. Thanks for all that you do.
