Monday, March 8, 2010

New Fundraising Goal!!!

I'm sure you would like to know what it is. But you know what, we really don't have a fundraising goal for this run.  You see, each dollar raised is an incredible victory - for the Gudeman family medical bills for Emmah's Care, and for Neuroblastoma Cancer research.  Quite simply, Lynn and I could have gone off and done this run in Colorado with little fan-fare and just personal satisfaction in mind.  But that is not representative of the type of people we are. 

By the time August rolls around, everyone who has been and will be exposed to 113 For Emmah, will learn a little more about people they may have never met, will get a few more laughs doing so, and will have a bigger smile knowing that they contributed to something larger...and made a difference in the lives of others.

Doesn't that make you feel good?!

And if you haven't donated yet - please consider doing so by using the links on the right side of this blog. Our goal seems to be getting bigger each and every day thanks to the kind people we've come in contact with.


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