Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Can You Spare A Dime for Emmah? Please Donate!

I don’t like asking other people to make monetary donations. It is just not my way (I can’t speak for Lynn). I would never make a good salesman - at least where I have to sell a tangible product in exchange for money.

I would guess to be a successful fundraiser (or salesperson), you have to be persistent, and believe in  your product.  Ah, now I'm onto something.  I BELIEVE IN WHAT I AM SELLING!  Two things actually:

1. Lynn's and my ability to perservere over 6 days to run 113 miles in the mountains (is that uphill?).  We are determined to succeed. No matter what.
2. Emmah.  She needs our help (any prayers). Her family needs our help (any prayers).  And Neurobalstoma cancer research needs our help.

So why is asking people for financial help so hard?  Maybe it is my personal beliefs getting in the way.  I happen to believe that if you are going to ask for money, you must do something significant to earn it.  Fortunately, a middle-age man and woman running 113 miles over 6 days in the Rockies is pretty significant. We are going to put ourselves our there and earn this money for Emmah and the Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation.

Can we all agree that these are good causes? Thought so!

Therefore, please contribute. There are two ways. You, the individual donor, can choose what is best for you.

1. Support Emmah's Care (Non-tax deductible option) – click on DONATE link on the right side of this blog to contribute to a fund to help pay for expenses associated with Emmah's care. This is linked to a PayPal account which I will administer on behalf of the family.

2. Support Neuroblastoma Cancer Research (Tax deductible option) – click on Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation link on right side of this blog, to donate to a non-profit organization which supports research for a neuroblastoma cure. Please indicate in your on-line donation that this is on behalf of Emmah Gudeman. Note: since we may not be made aware of donations made via this route, please send me an email indicating your donation, which I will compile and share with the Gudeman family. (kjban23nc@aol.com)

Any donation amount is appreciated! But since there is a running theme, might we offer the suggestion of $113 ($1/ mile), or some creative version of that, such as $56.50 ($.50/mile).

On behalf of the myself, Lynn, Emmah, the Gudeman Family and the CNCF – we thank you for your consideration and generosity. I will keep a running donation total on the blog throughout the upcoming months.



  1. Can I send you a check directly (I have had bad experiences with PayPal)?

    My brother has run the Trans Rockies a few times. It looks absolutely beautiful. Good luck with the training and let me know. Otherwise, I'll just send them something directly.

    Thanks, Elizabeth Roeder (roedere2001@yahoo.com)

  2. By all means - My address is:

    Ken Bansemer
    401 Briarpatch Lane
    Charlotte, NC 28211
