Monday, February 22, 2010

Julie Wilmes Gudeman…and why a 5k is only 3.1 Miles

Well, it wasn’t a race. At least I didn’t know it until it was over. In fact, this whole long-distance running thing may never have even come to fruition if it wasn’t for Julie (Emmah’s mom). So if I have someone to blame for this craziness of 113 miles – it’s her. Thanks Julie!!!

Let’s back up. I’m not really sure if this is exactly how I met Julie, but it is probably close. Year was 1992. It was late summer and I had transferred to a new position with Arthur Andersen in Chicago, and knew not a soul in my new department. I was working in my cubicle, and up walks this spunky girl, big smile, bright shiny eyes and she just starts talking away! (oh, yeah – if you know her – you’re tracking with me now! Actually, she strutted up to me, in that distinctive Julie Wilmes Gudeman gait!!!). Anyway, that would have been our first contact. I smiled, tried to get a word in edge-wise, but knew right away we’d hit it off, and just listened. This was my type of friend – easy going, laid back, fun and liked to laugh (often at herself).

I’m sure at some point I learned Julie liked to run. Not far, but to stay in shape. I’m sure I said, I like to stay in shape too. And because I was 24 years old and a male, I’m sure I said I was a good runner. After all, kinda like Al Bundy who was a football star at Polk High, I was a track star in the 7th grade! The mile was my distance…never came in first, but never came in last (my true goal). Reminiscing about those days allowed me to expand my chest a bit further in bravado when talking about running with Julie.

Don’t know how it happened, but somehow we got signed up together for a November Turkey Trot type 5k near the Chicago lakefront. An easy 3.1 mile stroll. Geez, could do that in my sleep…I did run the mile in middle-school after all. So as all good runners do, I trained for the race by running once around the forest preserve golf course in Oak Forest, IL – about 3 miles. Once, one, 2 – 1 = 1. I was ready.

Race day – got out my best running gear. Yes, this photo is of Julie and I from that day. Spandex? Cool max? Running sox? Please…I was a runner (remember middle-school?). Nothing but cotton was what I wanted – and layers of cotton at that. BTW – can I get an “AMEN” or “HEY GOOD LOOKING” for how awesome Julie and I looked back in ’92???!!!

I’m sure the gun went off and I remember breaking every running rule in the book by sprinting off that first mile. Left Julie in my dust (even though we weren’t technically racing each other. She couldn’t keep up with me, so it wouldn’t have been fair to “race”). Water stop? Don’t need it – only 3.1 miles. Flew past the first mile in something close to like 7 minutes. I was flying. Probably because of my strong training plan leading up to the race. Fast forward to mile 3. I was flying….err, I mean…I was dying…sucking wind…big time. I think someone mis-measured the course. In fact, I’m sure of it. This sure felt like 5 miles, and I swear the headwind blowing off the lakefront was like 45 mph! Where was that water??? Where is the finish line??? Goodness, these layers of cotton are uncomfortable.

Well, I crossed the finish line around 24:18 if I remember right. Not too shabby. I kicked Julie’s butt out there. Had to. Say it with me…I was a runner. She’d probably finish around 28 – 30 minutes. She couldn’t have trained as hard as I did. So imagine my surprise when…

…I turn around in the finishers chute, and who is behind me…yes, another strong runner (like me)…Julie. Remember that smile I described, those bright eyes, that walk! She probably started talking too…but I was tuning her out with my own questions. Ok question (I was still catching my breath). “When did you finish?”, I asked. “About 24:21” she said.


Bragging rights were mine…forever…we have never run together since that day…and it’s all her fault, because I realized going fast wasn’t my true strength, but rather conserving energy and going long. Real long. 113 miles long.

And that, my friends, is why a 5k is only 3.1 miles. Because if it was 3.11, Julie would have been turning around in the finishers chute looking at me….with a damn big smile, and yapping about it to this day!



  1. OMG, that was a great story!! Hi I'm Janeth Salazar-Ohst, an old high school teammate of Julie's and my 5k PR is 16:50. If only Julie had called me I would of taken care of things! Ha ha. Anyway I wish you the very best at Trans-Rockies, my friends did it last year and the photos were nothing short of amazing.

  2. I think we can safely say where Emmah got her smile and her amazing personality. Julie...(sorry Jeff)

  3. Janeth - I think Julie eased up on me in the end. She knew I needed that moment more than her! It's that big heart she has...she somehow knew that it would lead to better things 18 years later.


  4. No doubt! Julie was always the first to congratulate me after races and when the pressure was high I felt her confidence in me. She was a great teammate :-)

