Monday, August 16, 2010

Going Rogue

While I hate to admit it, Sarah Palin and I have something in common.  We have both gone "rogue". alienating a lot of people in her homestate of Alaska, by quitting as governor.  Me?  No, I am not quitting the race...unlike Palin...I like to see through to completion what I start (take that!).  Rather, I am finding my inner mountain man...and letting the facial hair grow, grow, grow....(ok - that really isn't as rogue as it might sound, but keep in mind I work in a professional services organization, and "rogue" facial hair isn't always seen as a good thing.)

In all honesty, I still look well kempt for the most part.  The goatee I started back in November was nice and trim until a month ago.  That's when I decided that if I was going to run in the Rockies, I needed to "be as one" with nature....blah, blah, blah.  Haven't touched the goatee with a shaver since then, and to my surprise, it has grown in pretty well.  Thicker than I thought. Darker too.  And with a patch of gray.  AHHHHHHHH!!!!!

No worries - it's distinguished....

Perhaps with another two weeks of this lack of grooming, I will begin to more closely resemble Jeff Gudeman.  It might be 6 years since he's trimmed his.  He is part of the ZZ Top succession plan. And at his advanced age of mid-40s, his gray is much more noticeable, mixing with some reddish bear fur.  So, I don't shave to honor Jeff as well.

There - you have the truth.  It's just that Going Rogue sounded cooler!


PS - tomorrow's blog will be Lynn's final thoughts about the run before we leave on Thursday.  I will provide my final thoughts on Wednesday.

PSS - Yes, I know you wanted a photo as proof.  Current as of a few minutes ago (courtesy of Brenda).  Quite the mug shot! Not only gray, but the bags may indicate a lack of sleep too!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! We will need to make sure to snap a commemorative ZZ-wanna-be photo of the two mountain men at the finish line. :) Wishing both you and Lynn safe travels and a safe and fun race. Hard 2 believe the countdown clock is almost at 0! (BTW, the bags under the eyes add to the distinguishment - tee hee!)
