Friday, August 13, 2010

Peaking At The Right Time

How could this not be a great week?!  Lynn and I are officially in taper mode, meaning we get to begin to rest our legs from the months of training and run smaller distances in the two weeks leading up to the race - very cool!  A 6 mile jog Tuesday, another 6 on Thursday.  8 tomorrow, 12 Sunday.  That's like a walk in the park!!!

And then an article was written on us by a local freelance writer and appeared on-line and in the Charlotte Observer on Wednesday.  Added bonus!  Tells our story and how we came to run together and for Emmah.  Lynn saw it first - someone posted it on her bulletin board at work and she emailed me and said "It's HUGE".  I thought "great - huge as in what perfect timing to let people know about the run".  No - not exactly.  Once I saw it in the paper - turns out it is HUGE!!! As in it takes up 1/2 page of a newspaper that reads like the USA Today, and has a killer picture of two of the best looking runners you are ever going to see (so I've been told....).  Frame worthy, this article.  Now in the spirit of transparency - I had emailed the author (shameless plug for Melinda Johnston - she wrote an outstanding piece) a few weeks earlier after reading another article she wrote in the paper, and shared some facts about the run to see if she'd be interested in this story.  One thing led to another.  HUGE!!!

Of course, this all led to the opportunity to do one final push for donations to help the CNCF and Emmah's Care.  And we haven't been let down.  As of this writing, we are just a few dollars short of $5,000, with more coming in each day.  Who knows where it will end, but every dollar is going to worthy causes!  Love the big heart of everyone willing to help out.  HUGE!!!  If you are reading this and haven't donated yet, please consider doing so - it is easy - just pick a link on the right hand side of this page for either cause, or mail a donation to the address listed.

Finally, this leads me to a response received to the article that was sent out by many to family and friends this week.  I know this person has been following the story from the beginning, as she has a special connection to Emmah.  Emmah's gramma (Karen G) wrote back the following to my wife after reading Melinda's article.   (Note to Gramma - I hope you don't mind me sharing this.  It provides a HUGE emotional lift for us as a reminder of all that is important!)

I just got done reading the article, through my tears. I cannot tell you what it means to me to know that Ken thought so much of Emmah, as to do this for her benefit.

Ken has brought many a laugh and a smile to my face.....and now he surely brings a smile to my heart. I cannot express in words, my gratitude, to know that he is doing this for our precious Emmah. I know she will be smiling down on him and Lynn. Of course my hope and anyone else's is that one day this nasty disease can be wiped out, and no other family will have to endure the pain of seeing their child suffer and lose their battle. Emmah was a very strong and brave girl that would not give up, she fought until the end.

I was and am so proud to be her Gramma.

Thank you to the Bansemer family for all that you are doing for Jeff, Julie and the family. Ken's dedication is to be commended. We are truly blessed to call you friend.

Blessings and God's peace,

{{{hugs}}} Karen G

Enough said...

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