Sunday, August 22, 2010

You're Only As Good As Your Support Team

Sunday morning - time to go! 

Last year, the TRR received something like a 99% satisfaction rating from the participants.  That alone would entice someone to enter a 6 day stage race.  It takes a small army to do what they will do for the near 300 competitors this week:  set up and break down tents each day, provide breakfast and dinner at the camping sites, set the on-course aid-stations, and move our belongings.  Without these volunteers working hard on our behalf, this race wouldn't be possible.  The behind the scenes work will go unnoticed to those not here; it will be greatly appreciated by all of us running (or walking)!

The support teams we have at home are no different.  Without their encouragement and support of us taking on this adventure, we wouldn't be here.  There have been a lot of people following us and reading these posts on the journey over the past few months, and now that the time has finally arrived to run, I can tell the readership is increasing each day.  If you are following, please take the time to write a comment at the end of any post along the way.  Lynn and I read those and they are quite energizing.  We know we have your support, and we thank you!

So I want to take time to thank my support team.  I have a crew of three that are my biggest cheerleaders, and who have had to put up with me during the last 8 months.  This crew is usually sleeping when I wake up on weekends to run, but always ask how the run went.  They got to listen to me discuss (or vent) about various aches and pains, and also share in the joys of watching the donation amount steadily rise to help the Gudeman's.  They know this run was important to me, and why I am doing it, and haven't wavered in getting me to this day.  To my support crew:  thank you for all you have done!  I love you all and you will be here in spirit with me over the next 6 days, helping me navigate the trails ahead and bringing this adventure to life.

Crew leader: Brenda (wife) - making sure I'm well fed and prepared and overseeing the rest of the crew
Head cheerleader: Erika (11) - also known as Chief Hugger - always smiling and encouraging
Chief of Aches & Pains: Ryan (7) - keeping me balanced by being an ache & pain. This isn't all about me

From this point forward - posts will come to the extent I can get a wireless internet signal whereever we are camping.  If you want to try and follow along via the TRR website, they may do daily update posts, which can be found at: or somewhere else via the transrockies site.   There won't be many photos from the running itself, since my Iphone won't be coming with me, but I will try to post others from around the campsites each night.  We will have cameras with us, but those pics won't get posted until we return to Charlotte.

Gotta go - they are calling us to the starting line!  See you on the other side....


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